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The FusionReactor Settings page lets you modify the FusionReactor in order to:

  • Configure Email sending
  • Configure Access to FusionReactor through specific ports and IP addresses
  • Configure the log file size
  • Secure the FusionReactor API
  • Configure Application and Transaction name detection
  • Configure FusionReactor to either track or ignore specific URLS
  • Configure a proxy for FusionReactor to contact its external servers for licensing and the FusionReactor Cloud
  • Configure which error types should be tracked in FusionReactor


These settings are specific to this instance of FusionReactor, but it is possible to copy these settings to a new instance by following Copying FusionReactor Configuration Between Instances.

Email Settings

Configuration Description Default
From Address This will be the email address from which FusionReactor will send the notification emails from. This address does not have to be a real email address but must follow the format ( Example : ) N/A
To Address This is the email address which will receive FusionReactor notifications emails. Multiple recipients can be entered, separated by commas. N/A
Mail Server You can specify an Internet address ( Example : ) or the IP address of the mail server ( Example : )

This field must be filled correctly for FusionReactor to send mail. A blank field does NOT use your default mail server. NOTE: If your SMTP server does not use port 25 ( Default ), you can specify a port number after the server address / IP address ( Example : )
Mail Server Username If your SMTP server requires authentication, you can specify a username in this text box. N/A
Mail Server Password If your SMTP server requires authentication, you can specify a password in this text box. N/A
SSL Authentication Enable if the SMTP server uses SSL Authentication. Disabled
TLS Authentication Enable If the SMTP server uses TLS Authentication. Disabled
Host Name You can specify the DNS hostname of this instance to be used to generate URL links in email messages. If not specified, the canonical hostname will be used. N/A

Once you have set up your email settings you can send yourself a test email. This is recommended to ensure the email settings are correct.


Configuration Description Default
Web Root This will be the prefix for FusionReactor requests. If the web root was set to "/fusionreactor/" and you were accessing the internal web server on a local machine over port 8088 then your final URL would look like this: /fusionreactor/
URL Matching The rule or which FusionReactor will match URI filters. .cfm This will allow FusionReactor to be mapped to a ColdFusion server over IIS or Apache. .jsp This will allow FusionReactor to be mapped to a JSP server over IIS or Apache.

Complete - This will match only the WebRoot, this will result in FusionReactor not working over IIS or Apache, for anything other than UEM.

StartsWith This will match any URI filter used on the FusionReactor WebRoot.

Custom - You can set your own filter here by typing into the field. This will map FusionReactor to that URI filter through IIS or Apache. If using .cfm/.jsp or similar FusionReactor will ONLY answer requests to that url. Example If using .cfm FusionReactor will only answer to /fusionreactor.cfm/

Internal HTTP

Please ensure that these settings are correct before you save. If these settings are not correct you can make FusionReactor inaccessible!

Configuration Description Default
Enabled If enabled then the HTTP server is active. Enabled
HTTP Port The port for the HTTP server to use. The default is 8088, or whatever is set via FusionReactor Administration Manager when the instance is installed 8088
Listen Address The address for the HTTP / HTTPS servers to listen on. Use to listen on all addresses.

Internal HTTPS

Please ensure that these settings are correct before you save. If these settings are not correct you can make FusionReactor inaccessible!

Configuration Description Default
Enabled If enabled then the HTTPS server is active. Enabled
HTTP Port The port for the HTTPS server to use. -1
Key Store The path to the keystore to use for the SSL certificate. N/A
Key Store Password The password for the key store. N/A
Key Store Key password The password for the key within the keystore. N/A
Trust Store The path to the trust store to use. N/A
Trust Store password The password for the trust store to use. N/A

Instance Name

Configuration Description Default
Instance Name This is the name of this FusionReactor instance, as it appears in the UI and Cloud. It may only contain the following characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ . - N/A

Log File

Configuration Description Default
Reactor Log Choosing Enabled will allow FusionReactor logs to be written, choosing Disabled will prevent them from being written. For information on FusionReactor logs see the Reactor Log section. Enabled
View Size (KB) This option allows you to limit the number of KB of log that is displayed in the FusionReactor Log. For information on FusionReactor logs see the Reactor Log section. 128 KB
File Size If the Logging Engine is set to 'Centralized Archive and Rotation' ( By default ) then this field does not appear. However, if the Logging Engine is set to 'Traditional Per-Log Rotation' then this value dictates then maximum size of the log before it is rotated. 10240 KB
File Count As above, this value dictates the number of files held in the log history. An incoming log causes the oldest log to be deleted. 5

FusionReactor API (FRAPI) Log Clients - Log File Settings


This setting will only appear when the Logging Engine is set to 'Traditional Per-Log Rotation'

Configuration Description
File Size If the Logging Engine is set to 'Centralized Archive and Rotation' ( By default ) then this field does not appear. However, if the Logging Engine is set to 'Traditional Per-Log Rotation' then this value dictates then maximum size of the log before it is rotated. 10240 KB
File Count As above, this value dictates the number of files held in the log history. An incoming log causes the oldest log to be deleted. 5

Application Naming

Configuration Description Default
Auto Application Naming When enabled, the Application Name will be set by searching the following sources in order:

* FRAPI.setTransactionApplicationName

* Request attribute ( )

* Middleware server ( Example : CFAPPLICATION )

* Servlet init parameter ( )

* Filter init parameter ( )

* Web app context parameter ( )

* Web app context name ( display-name )

* Web app servlet context path

* The Default Application Name
Default Application Name The Default Application Name. If Auto Application Naming is disabled, this name will be used for all transactions. MyApplication

Transaction Naming

Configuration Description Default
Auto Transaction Naming When enabled, the Transaction Name will be Automatically detected. Enabled
Default Transaction Name The Default Transaction Name. If Auto Transaction Naming is disabled, this name will be used for all transactions. Ungrouped
Transaction Page Identifier Type Enables manual page identification of transactions based specific URL parameters. This can be Disabled, Parameter or URL Element

Parameter - This allows you to select a Request parameter as the transaction name.

URL Element - This allows you to select a section of the URL as the transaction name.
Parameter Name Parameter Name is visible when the Transaction Page Identifier Type is set to parameter.

Set this to the parameter name that your framework uses to determine what page is being requested.

See Example
Enable SES Parameter Enable this if you need to look for the name of the page in an SES style URL.

See Example.
SES Element Offset SES Element Offset is visible when the Transaction Page Identifier Type is set to URL element. 1

The transaction name (App/Txn) is made visible in various views, such as the Transaction History


Configuration Description Default
Restrictions This value defines how FusionReactor Restrictions behave.

Monitor requests that match the rules - By default, no requests will appear in FusionReactor. If a request matches one of the rules defined on the Filter Restrictions page then it will appear.

Ignore requests that match the rules - By default, all requests will appear in FusionReactor. If a request matches one of the rules defined on the Filter Restrictions page then it will be invisible.
Ignore requests that match the rules


This is a HTTP based API that is used to communicate commands and retrieve data from FusionReactor. This API allows FusionAnalytics Connector system to send logs to FusionReactor Administration ( FRAM )

Configuration Description Default
FR-REST User You can input the name of the FR-REST User here, you can change it as you please. It is also recommended that you also set a password, for help doing this see the section below. restuser
Enable FR-REST API Enable locally, no authentication : This enables the API to work on a local machine with no authentication.
Enable locally with authentication : This enables the API to work on a local machine with authentication.

Enable globally, with authentication : This enables the API to work on a global machine (other machine in the network) with authentication.

Disable : This disables the FR-REST API from working.

Change FR-REST Password

Configuration Description Default
Old FR-REST Password Enter the current password here. This option only appears if there is already a FR-REST password set. N/A
New FR-REST Password Type the new FR-REST password. N/A
Confirm New FR-REST Password Confirm the new FR-REST password. N/A

Proxy Settings

Proxy Considerations

If the system properties http.ProxyHost or http.ProxyPort are set those values will be used as a default Java proxy configuration options. To override the configuration use the proxy configuration in the FusionReactor Settings page.

Configuration Description Default
Proxy Enabled Set to enabled to use a proxy server. Disabled
Proxy Hostname/IP Address Input the hostname or IP address of your proxy server. N/A
Proxy Port Input the port of your proxy server 1080
Proxy Authentication Choose the Authentication type. Currently available are:

* Basic

* Digest

Proxy Username Input the username required by your proxy server if authentication is applicable N/A
Proxy Password Input the password required by your proxy server if authentication is applicable N/A
Proxy Domain Used for NTLM authentication. The name of the windows domain to authenticate with. N/A
Proxy Workstation Used for NTLM authentication. The name of the workstation to authenticate as. This option is optional. N/A

Error Exclusions

Configuration Description Default
Status Code Inclusions A comma-separated list of integer ranges of which status codes to accept as errors. 500-599
Status Code Exclusions A comma-delimited list of status codes. Ranges can also be used.

i.e 400-410,500,505,510 FusionReactor will not flag up and/or track any status code you specify.
Exception Exclusions A comma-delimited list of package identifiers. Wildcards can also be used.

i.e java.lang.NullPointerException,java.util.*

FusionReactor will not flag up and/or track any exception you specify.