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FusionReactor is available in 2 editions with or without Cloud features:

Edition Annual Monthly
Ultimate $79 $95
Developer $19 $22

Each edition utilizes the same powerful agent, ensuring a consistent and efficient monitoring experience across all environments. You can purchase as many Ultimate/Developer seats you need and assign them to a license.

Both editions are available as an annual or monthly subscription, which means that you’re entitled to all updates and upgrades of the product as long as you have an active subscription.

FusionReactor Ultimate

Ultimate on-premise edition is for production environments, and includes all features for comprehensive application performance monitoring.

Edition Annual Monthly
Ultimate $79 $95

FusionReactor Developer

Developer on-premise edition has the same features as Ultimate, but should be exclusively used in DEV and/or non customer facing QA environments.

Edition Annual Monthly
Developer $19 $22

What is a seat?

A seat is a single unique virtual or physical host with up to four instances of Java / ColdFusion installed.


To monitor five to eight instances on a host, you'll need two seats.


These licenses do not send monitoring data up to the cloud

How do I purchase a seat(s)?

Seats can be bought in the purchase page of the product as follows:

Step 1: Select number of seats

Enter the number of seats you require and select Confirm.


Subscriptions can be annual or monthly but both are billed monthly.


Step 2: Pay with card

Add your card information, cardholder details and billing address in the text boxes and select Pay and subscribe.


Step 3: View your subscriptions

Once a purchase is made, you can view your subscriptions under the Billing tab.


Manage subscriptions

Once purchased, you can easily manage your subscriptions in the following ways:

  • Add or remove seats

  • Change renewal interval

  • Cancel subscription



Upgrades you make to your billing plan occur immediately while downgrades only come into effect at the end of the billing period.


The Invoice box contains the following following information regarding your invoices:

  • Invoice ID

  • Invoice Date

  • Invoice Amount

  • Invoice status


Cloud invoices are also displayed in this table if applicable.



Your invoices can be downloaded by selecting the download button under Actions.

Edit payment details

From the Billing page it is also possible to update your billing details by selecting Change Details in the Billing Details box where you can edit your details in Stripe.


It is important to note that any upgrades you make to your billing plan occur immediately while downgrades will only come into effect at the end of the billing period. Users can only upgrade or downgrade, not both simultaneously.


Changing to monthly billing is considered a downgrade.