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Instrument OpenTelemetry

Why use OpenTelemetry?

The main reason to use OpenTelemetry is that it provides an open-source standard for implementing distributed telemetry (context propagation) over heterogeneous systems.

OpenTelemetry enables tracing, metrics, and logging telemetry through a set of single-distribution multi-language libraries and tools that allow for a plug-and-play telemetry architecture that includes the concept of agents and collectors.


Using OpenTelemetry:

  • makes it easy to collect and use telemetry data from different sources without making big changes. You choose what data to use and send it to different platforms using the tools that work best for you.

  • means you won't get stuck with a single vendor and can easily switch if needed.

  • is simple and won't take much time or effort from your team.


OpenTelemetry code instrumentation is supported for many popular programming languages including Go, C++, Node.js, Python and many more.


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Getting started

Manual instrumentation

To manually instrument an application, developers must add code to initiate and conclude a span and define the payload. Client libraries and SDKs, available for various programming languages, are used.

OpenTelemetry currently offers SDKs for the following programming languages:

Client libraries
Java .NET C++
Golang Python Node.js
PHP Ruby Rust
NestJS Swift Erlang

Automatic instrumentation

Automatic instrumentation doesn't require code changes or application recompilation. Instead, this method uses an intelligent agent that attaches to the running application and extracts tracing data.

Auto-instrumentation agents are available for popular programming languages such as Python, Java, .NET, and PHP. In addition, common libraries and frameworks for these languages also offer built-in instrumentation.

For example, Java programmers can leverage the Java Agent that automatically injects bytecode to capture baseline telemetry without the need to change your application's Java source code. They can also find standalone instrumentation for several popular libraries such Spring, JDBC, RxJava, Log4J, and others.

Shipping OpenTelemetry data to FusionReactor Cloud

Shipping data to the Cloud is a simple procedure allowing you to observe the status of applications and to debug or troubleshoot them for any issues. We recommend using the Observability Agent and adding the OTel component to allow receiving of traces, logs and metrics. Setting up the Observability Agent so that it can be used to ingest telemetry data into the FusionReactor Cloud is a simple procedure that will only take a few minutes. It provides additional insight into your product and the metrics it produces, so you can quickly investigate and pinpoint issues.

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Observability Agent


Visualize your data

With FusionReactor Cloud, you can diagnose both live and historic issues with our powerful metrics engine and dashboards.

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