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Log Settings

This page is used to alter the log engine settings, log rotation settings, log archive settings, and log archive monitor settings. The page is broken up into sections, each containing a table explaining the options that can be chosen in drop down boxes or input into text fields.

Log Engine Settings

The location of the FusionReactor logs will depend on the mode of logging you are using and how you have configured your Log Directory. Below is a table covering the two types of log rotations that exist in FusionReactor.

Configuration Description Default
All Logging This setting enables or disables all FusionReactor logging. Enabled
Log Engine Centralized Archive and Rotation mode
The current log directory will be in a time-stamped folder beneath the path specified in Log Directory. C:/FusionReactor/Instance/<your_instance_name>/log/<time-stamped> folder.

Traditional Per-Log Rotation mode
Logs are written directly to the path specified in Log Directory. Changing this setting will cause new log entries to be written to the new location.
You can find FusionReactor's logs in the C:/FusionReactor/Instance/<your_instance_name>/log directory. These are rotating files, the newest having the suffix -0.log, the next oldest -1.log etc.
Use Centralized Archive and Rotation
Log Directory This is the root of the logging system. The effect of changing this setting depends on the current Log Engine

On Windows

On Linux


If the path is absolute it is used as specified. If the path is relative, it is converted to a folder below this instance's directory in the FusionReactor installation.

Log Rotation Settings

Configuration Description Default
Rotation Mode Periodic - This will update the Log Archive every n minutes, where n can be specified in the text field below.
Fixed - This will update the Log Archive daily using a time that can be specified in the text field below (HH:MM in the 24 hour system).
Periodic - Rotate every N minutes
Rotate Every/At If you choose Periodic as the rotation mode, then you input here how often you want to rotate the log (in minutes). If you choose Fixed then enter here at what time of the day you want the logs to be rotated (HH:MM in the 24 hour system). 60

Log Capture Settings

Configuration Description Default
Tomcat Log Capture Settings When enabled, FusionReactor will being to capture various Tomcat log files and reproduce this output into the logging system. E.g. catalina.out becomes juli_catalina.log, localhost.log becomes juli_localhost.log. JULI is the logging engine in Tomcat. These logs may not contain all the data that catalina.out shows. FusionReactor logs JULI logging framework into the juli_* tomcat log files in FR and standard out and standard err of the process are captured into stdout.log and stderr.log (see below) true
Stdout/Stderr Log Capture Settings When enabled, FusionReactor will capture stdout and stderr streams and reproduce this output into the logging system. stderr.log and stdout.log may be truncated on servers that write more than 500 lines during the initialization of FusionReactor. true
Exception Log Capture Settings When enabled, FusionReactor will capture and log any the stack trace of any error occurring within a tracked request. Note that this can have a negative affect on performance. Disabled by default for ColdFusion Servers true

Potential Exception Log performance issues

Capturing Exceptions has the potential to slow down applications if vast numbers of errors are being thrown. If you experience any performance degradation, we recommend disabling this feature.

Archive Viewer Settings

The Archive Viewer parses and renders data from log files. Large log files could cause FusionReactor to use an increased amount of memory, as it analyses the information. Decreasing the render limit will avoid this risk, however the rendered data will be truncated.

Log Archive Settings

Configuration Description Default
Retention Strategy You can choose to keep archives for a certain number of days, or until they reach a certain size (MB). Age Target - Keep 'N' days of log archives
Retention Value Input a value based on the Retention Strategy you choose. If you choose to keep them for a certain number of days, this value is that number. If you wish to retain only a certain total size of archive, enter the size (in MB) here. 31
Automatic Purge If you set this option to Enabled then archives will be purged based on the Retention Strategy you choose, if you choose Disabled then archives will never be purged.
Disabling this option will allow archives to grow without bounds however enabling it will cause unsecured (not backed up) archives to be removed. Carefully consider what option you select here.
The archive is purged when you select the Purge Now button in the Connector Status or Log Status page, and after a new archive zip is added to the archive.
The purge mechanism always considers oldest archives first, deleting until the retention strategy select above is satisfied. Archives marked "Keep" (in Connector Status or Log Status) are never considered for purge.
Archive Location The location of where the archives reside on disk is input here. A default location is provided. Windows : C:\FusionReactor\instance\\archive
Linux : /opt/fusionreactor/instance//archive

Log Archive Monitor Settings

Configuration Description Default
Log Archive Mail Job If set to enabled, the user will receive an email daily about the disk usage of the log and archive system. See the following link for help configuring the email server FusionReactor Settings Disabled
Scheduled Time If the above option is enabled, input the time (HH:MM in the 24-hour system) the monitor job should run. 01:00
Warning Threshold If the total archive size reaches the input number here (megabytes) then an email will be sent warning the user of the excessive amount of space being used.

The title of the email will read [WARNING!]
100 MB