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How to automatically login to FusionReactor

FusionReactor provides several user roles, each allowing a different set of actions.

The available users are:

  • Administrator
  • Manager
  • Observer

You can use a cookie to configure a webpage that will automatically login to FusionReactor as an Observer, however the process is the same for an Administrator or Manager.

To view the cookie for FusionReactor, use the console of your browser.


You must be logged into the instance for the cookie to exist.

Step 1: Navigate to the Application tab and view the cookie for FusionReactor.


Step 2: Create a blank html page.

Step 3: Insert the code below in the page:

        <title>FusionReactor Auto-Login</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            document.cookie =
                'FusionReactorAuthorization.testtc7' +
                '=' +
            window.location =

💡 Tip: In the example above, the cookie name and value have been copied from my instance testTC7 into the document.cookie. My server is located on port 8098 so I have specified this as the window location.

Step 4: Edit these values (see Tip) to match your servers configuration. Once complete, your automatic login script should direct you straight into your FusionReactor instance.

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